Monday, November 5, 2007

August 27, 2006: Keeping It Global

Another way I think media companies of the (near) future will be different from what we see today is a much more global perspective. Especially given how many non-US, and particularly Asian, citizens have leadership roles at online companies here in the US, it seems inevitable that a US-centric concept of the universe of possibilities for online media will soon prove to be far too limited. I always cringe a bit when I hear media people start a list of "best" online media sites with the usual American print-based giants--Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. These sites are great and it's important to recognize that from the monetization perspective they're truly world leaders. However, they lean heavily on their tremendous print brand equity. I'm not sure it's smart for us to stay within a narrow comfort zone and simply copy their conservative approach to content, back-end technologies, and user experience.

Therefore, when I'm looking for inspiration, I like to keep an eye on news sites from around the world; below are a few mostly English-language versions you might find interesting. As we're reinventing media, we can all learn from the creativity and different cultural perspectives of our fellow employees.

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