Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Interesting Mobile-Related Web Sites

I've been increasingly involved with mobile projects lately, as this platform rapidly matures into a full-featured medium for social interaction, information, and commerce. That's led to a couple of interesting web sites that throw light on where mobile technology is headed. If they're not already on your radar, they're worth checking out:

1) Nokia's
MOSH: Nokia started this very Web 2.0 content sharing site specifically for mobile content--audio, video, text, games, software, and images. The good news: it's not limited to content for Nokia handsets; the aim is to facilitate sharing content on all mobile devices. I like the focus on content across media types, as well as the assumption that mobile is a central platform for consuming as wide a variety of content as the PC. Added to Nokia's acquisiton of Mobile OS company Symbian, the MOSH initiative makes it clear Nokia wants to provide much more than handsets in the mobile future.

2) Alcatel-Lucent's Teen Lab blog: Telecom giant Alcatel-Lucent spends a significant amount each year studying the global youth market for mobile technology, in an effort to uncover and understand important trends. The Teen Lab team summarizes findings and links to interesting related content in their official blog. In addition to the mobile-specific observations, the site is interesting for its insights into the behavior and preferences of teens, the "market of the future." Alcatel-Lucent knows research; the company is the current owner of the historic Bell Labs research facility.

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